24 Feb

As a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting equity and economic mobility for underserved communities, we at Advancing The Seed, Inc. recognize the importance of investing in training and development for felons reentering society. Providing access to quality training and development opportunities can help break down barriers to employment and reduce recidivism rates while promoting greater economic mobility for individuals with criminal records.

The Challenge of Reentry

For individuals with criminal records, the challenge of reentry can be daunting. According to the National Institute of Justice, more than two-thirds of released prisoners are rearrested within three years, and more than half return to prison. One of the biggest barriers to successful reentry is access to employment. According to the Prison Policy Initiative, the unemployment rate for formerly incarcerated individuals is five times higher than the general population.

One way to address this challenge is by investing in training and development for felons reentering society. Providing access to quality training and development opportunities can help improve the skills and qualifications of formerly incarcerated individuals, making them more competitive in the job market and increasing their chances of finding meaningful employment.

Benefits of Training and Development

Investing in training and development for felons reentering society can have a range of benefits, both for the individual and society as a whole. Here are a few examples:

Reduce recidivism rates: According to a report by the RAND Corporation, providing education and vocational training to prisoners can reduce recidivism rates by up to 43%. By investing in training and development for felons reentering society, we can help support successful reentry and reduce the likelihood of returning to prison.

Improve access to employment: Access to employment is one of the biggest barriers to successful reentry. By providing access to quality training and development opportunities, we can help improve the skills and qualifications of formerly incarcerated individuals, making them more competitive in the job market and increasing their chances of finding meaningful employment.

Promote economic mobility: By improving access to employment and helping individuals build their skills and qualifications, we can promote greater economic mobility for felons reentering society. This not only benefits the individual but also has a positive impact on the overall economy.

Best Practices for Training and Development

Investing in training and development for felons reentering society requires a thoughtful and strategic approach. Here are a few best practices to consider:

Tailor training and development to the individual: Every individual has unique skills, interests, and needs. By tailoring training and development to the individual, we can help ensure that they are receiving the support they need to succeed.

Provide a range of training and development opportunities: There is no one-size-fits-all solution to training and development. By providing a range of opportunities, including vocational training, educational programs, and soft skills development, we can help support the diverse needs of felons reentering society.

Partner with employers: In order to improve access to employment, it is important to partner with employers and provide them with the resources and support they need to hire formerly incarcerated individuals. By building relationships with employers and promoting the benefits of hiring this population, we can help break down barriers to employment and promote greater economic mobility.


At Advancing The Seed, Inc., we believe that investing in training and development for felons reentering society is essential to promoting equity and economic mobility for underserved communities. By providing access to quality training and development resource, we can help break down barriers to employment, reduce recidivism rates, and promote greater economic mobility for this population.

As a nonprofit organization, we are committed to working with partners and stakeholders to promote access to training and development resources for felons reentering society. We believe that by investing in people and providing them with the support they need to succeed, we can build a more just and equitable society where everyone has the opportunity to achieve their full potential. We encourage other organizations and individuals to join us in this important work and to help break down the barriers that too often prevent formerly incarcerated individuals from finding meaningful employment and achieving greater economic mobility. Together, let's create pathways to success for felons reentering society and build a better future for all.

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